Tag Archives: laughing

April Fool’s Day


April Fools Day  is widely recognized as a day when people play practical jokes, tricks and hoaxes on each other.

In Kindergarten, April Fool’s Day can make for quite an interesting day!  The kids love to play tricks on each other and on me, and I tell them that as long as the tricks are in good fun, there is no meanness involved and that no one gets carried away, it is acceptable for the day.   Some people might be surprised that I’d choose to write about playing jokes or pranks on others in a kindness blog but if it is all done with humor and in good spirit, in the hopes to make someone laugh, then I think that is the epitome of kindness.   None of those children were doing anything to upset one another.  They wanted to make each other laugh.   The children were not laughing AT each other, but WITH one another.  I actually find it to be a fun, creative day for the kids.  A chance for them to be silly, to come up with creative jokes and to interact with one another.

April Fool’s Day can actually turn into a teachable moment.  A way to teach kids appropriate ways to pull harmless pranks, be silly, and enjoy themselves.  When children learn how to find the right balance of silliness without hurting anyone’s feelings, they  are likely to build strong social skills in the process.