Monthly Archives: July 2016

Happy Birthday Mom


No one loved to celebrate birthdays more than my mom so it is fitting that since today is her birthday, we all go out and celebrate in her honor! We will head to The Reservoir of course….it was her favorite restaurant.  Twenty of us getting together to celebrate her.

I had considered going to the cemetery to visit with her today. I am not a big fan of where she is buried. The cemetery itself is beautiful, but she is in a mausoleum and I don’t like the coldness of it. The artificial flowers and forced air don’t make me feel welcome and I don’t find myself going as often as I feel I should. Instead, yesterday, I went to her bench in the park. It is my peaceful spot to go when I am missing her or feeling sad. A bunny and a butterfly where right beside the bench when I arrived. More signs from mom? Maybe… Regardless, it made me feel like she knew I was there. I sat for a bit and wished her a happy day. It is the same place where we have released balloons for her birthday in the past.  I hope you have caught some of those yellow balloons and are celebrating up in heaven. We miss you!



hate is learned

The title of my blog seems so inappropriate today.  I am embarrassed for our country. We are not living in a kind world.




We are falling apart as a society.

As I have been scrolling through social media over the last few days, it seems many people echo my sentiments so why are we witnessing this chaos right now? Why is this happening? My heart is aching.

I refuse to take sides. How does this happen to a society where so many of us are teaching our children the complete opposite of hatred. Where does it come from? Why? Who is perpetuating it?

This is senseless. Hatred is a learned behavior. It needs to change.

peace mother theresa